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Communication in Japanese Business Culture

Effective use of communication is the key to success, but cross-cultural communication can either help or hurt your business productivity. When engaging with international companies, specifically Japan where lots of emphasis is placed on work culture, it can be intimidating. Let us share with you some insights for verbal and nonverbal communication inJapanese business culture […]

Join us on today’s “Walk and Learn” at the TV Asahi in Roppongi

Toranomon Language School’s “Walk and Learn” continued today (July 12th) at the TV Asahi in Roppongi. We took five of our students on an interactive field trip today at this 8-story office and TV studio here in Tokyo. To get to our destination, we took the train! This allows kids to navigate the city […]

Follow along with us as we continue our “Walk and Learns”

Today, we continued with our “Walk and Learn” program at Toranomon Language School by taking the kids to the Police Museum here in Tokyo where they learned how the Tokyo Metropolitan Police keep them safe! The museum was followed by a trip to the 7-11 where the kids got treats of their choice. These “Walk […]

Tips and Tricks for your first time in Japan

Here in Japan, proper manners and consideration are very important characteristics. To ensure an enjoyable trip, make sure to understand these unwritten rules and follow the correct behaviors. Street and Public Transportation In Japanese culture, it is often considered rude to eat or drink while walking down the street. To respect the customs, try to […]

Nail the JLPT N5: Top Tips to Conquer Your Exam with Practice

みなさん、こんにちは。虎ノ門(とらのもん)ランゲージスクールです。   JLPT日本語能力試験(にほんごのうりょくしけん)が もうすぐですね! きょうのブログは、 N5レベルのもんだいです。 7月7日に N5をうける みなさんにも、N4~N1を うける みなさんの ふくしゅうにも べんりな れんしゅうです。   さあ、トライしましょう! もんだい1:   ( )に 何(なに) が入りますか?いちばん いいものを 一つ えらんで ください。   1、なつ休(やす)みに りょこうに( )たいです。  1 行(い)き、2 行く、3 行か、4 行け   2、そのえいがは( )見(み)ました。  1 など、2 だけ、3 から、4 もう   3、田中(たなか)さんは どこ( )すんでいますか。  1 で、2 を、3 に、4 は   4、駅(えき)の 入(い)り口(ぐち)が どこ( )わかりません。  1 で、2 に、3 が、4 か […]

Experience Japan’s vibrant culture through summer festivals

Experience Japan’s vibrant culture through summer festivals  “″   ”“ Here in Japan we are known for our rich cultural heritage and vibrant traditions. We offer a dazzling array of festivals during the summer months, specifically July through September. For first time visitors, prepare to immerse yourself in a spectacular showcasing of colors, sounds and rituals […]

First “Walk and Learn” – Immersive Learning at Science Museum in Tokyo

Kids Japanese Course 2024 Has Started! -Join Now! Here at Toranomon we get out of the traditional classroom setting and immerse our students in real world experiences and Japanese culture where they can apply their learnings. Today, the students were taken on a field trip to the Minato Science Museum and later on to the […]

🍉 Kids Japanese Summer Course🎐

Japanese Summer Intensive course for Kids

  While you are traveling in Japan or already living in Japan, your children can enjoy the culture and the language just as you do!   We are here to enrich your children’s learning opportunities with Toranomon Language School’s Kids Japanese Summer Course!  It will start on June 17th, the day the adult group course starts. […]

Mastering the JLPT N2 Vocabulary Section: A Comprehensive Guide to Success

The JLPT N2 exam is a significant milestone for Japanese language learners, marking proficiency in intermediate-level skills. One of the crucial aspects of this exam is the vocabulary section, which tests candidates’ knowledge of a wide range of words and expressions. In this blog post, we’ll dive into strategies, tips, and resources to help you […]

Complete Guide to Passing the JLPT N2 and N3 level in 2024

Prepare for the JLPT N3 and N2 exam with this JLPT guide! Learn all about the structure of the test, study techniques and more to successfully pass in 2024! Are you ready to take the JLPT exam? This guide will help you understand the structure of the exam, prepare with effective study techniques and gain […]