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Follow along with us as we continue our “Walk and Learns”

Today, we continued with our “Walk and Learn” program at Toranomon Language School by taking the kids to the Police Museum here in Tokyo where they learned how the Tokyo Metropolitan Police keep them safe! The museum was followed by a trip to the 7-11 where the kids got treats of their choice.

These “Walk and Learns” are offered through our Summer courses where classes are held Monday-Thursday from 9:30-12:30 with the “Walk and Learn” field trips on Fridays.

Our programs are designed to make learning fun where we focus on reading, writing, listening and speaking. These summer courses allow for engaging learning where the kids are taken beyond the traditional classroom to apply their learning in a practical way.

Our visit to the Police Museum allowed the kids to walk through the streets of Tokyo, ride the trains and even speak and read in Japanese.

The kids were able to learn all about the importance of Japanese police history with exhibits including biking and police station simulations. They interacted with many different types of displays and read and listened to lots of Japanese!

After the museum had been fully explored, the kids were hungry for a snack and eager to see more of the city. They arrived at 7-11 where they purchased their own goods, interacting with the cashier and reading in Japanese to decide which snack they would like.

The summer courses at Toranomon Language School provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn Japanese. Our approach ensures that your child learns both inside and outside the classroom in purposeful ways. With experienced teachers from international backgrounds and customized lesson materials, we create a worthwhile learning environment. Additionally, our enjoyable outdoor activities provide kids even more opportunities to engage in new and enriching learning experiences!

Hope to see you in our next course!

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