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How to remain connected to home as an expat

As an expat, you may feel perfectly content in your new home, but it is normal to miss certain aspects of where you are originally from. There are ways to bridge that gap and stay connected to the customs or people you may be missing!

Eat foods from home

There will be times where you may miss the flavors you grew up with whether it is something spicy or sweet. No matter where you are, most types of cuisine can be found in all parts of the world, so try and track down a restaurant that you feel will bring you comfort. If you are on a budget or cannot seem to find a restaurant, cook something on your own! Go to the local grocery store and find ingredients that will allow you to cook your favorite meal from back home, or you may even find a snack you love. Food, for many people, acts as a love language. If that applies to you, make it a fun project. This can even connect you with other expats who are also searching for a piece of home through food.

Keep up with old habits

If you are someone who lives for and loves routines, keep them up. If you usually start your morning by going on a long run or making yourself a cup of coffee, find a trail that interests you or a local coffee shop where you can find a tasty latte. It is important to not leave these types of routines behind, because they can make you feel more connected to home as well as yourself. For people who enjoy reading or writing before bed, pack a good book or find a library nearby. Keeping a traveling journal is a great idea too. This way you can be reminded of the positive things you did throughout the day and provide you with the peace of writing.

Celebrate Holidays

Holidays are commonly a great way to connect with friends and family. Chances are that your new country may not celebrate your favorite holiday. In today’s world, you will probably be seeing people from your home posting on social media about their holiday meals or celebrations, leaving you feeling a little disconnected. Do not let that get to you, instead, celebrate the holiday in a way you can. If your favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, make yourself a nice dinner that reminds you of your traditional courses. If you enjoy the Fourth of July, decorate your space with red, white and blue and try to find some sparklers or streamers. There are always ways to recreate what you love!

Try and make friends

If you are in a country that does not speak your native language you may feel isolated. You may want to talk about your interests with people who speak your language, and that is okay! Find other expats in your area and invite them to get together. You can choose to go enjoy a meal together or sit and relax at a park. Whatever it is, you have found people to connect with and this will most likely feel very refreshing.

Stay connected to people at home

While you do not want to spend your time longing to go back home, it is important to stay connected with family and friends. In this digital age it is so easy to pick up the phone and chat to your loved ones whether it’s through video chat or text. If you are living somewhere with a drastic time change, try making a schedule of times throughout the day that are dedicated to calling one another. These virtual connections can provide you with lots of support.

Immerse yourself in local culture

Immersing yourself in local culture may enhance your experience. Attending new festivals or learning bits of the language may allow you to feel more at home in the culture you are temporarily in. This may also help you create a unique blend of old and new traditions that will enrich your life.

Living as an expat is definitely a crazy experience, but it can be a positive one if you keep an open mind and remember to keep doing what you love.

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