Summer family event!

Join our exclusive bilingual and immersive event, limited to only 10 participants! Designed for WeWork members with children in grades 1–7, this extraordinary experience enhances critical thinking and encourages meaningful parent-child interaction. Your kids can learn about what you do at work and spend quality time with you, while perhaps being inspired for their future by one of the careers they learn about on the night.
The kids will also learn some presentation skills, as they will get the chance to present their parent’s job to the rest of the group!
All English proficiency levels, from Beginner to Advanced, are welcome. Discover diverse career opportunities, create innovative presentations, and broaden horizons together. Connect, establish friendships, and embrace this unique opportunity that combines education, creativity, and networking.
Date: July 25th 2023
Time: 17:00-17:50- children, 18:00-18:30-family ( WeWork members only)
Where: Kamiyacho Wework
Event Requirements
Participants: Limited to 10 participants
Participants Requirements :
- Grade 1 to Grade 7 (We cater all levels from Beginner to Advanced)
- Depending on the registration, we will group participants by grade, age or levels.
Goals and Objectives:
Have each child give a presentation on what they’ve learned about their parents’ profession throughout the day. (Presentation Sheets and photos provided)
What to expect:
(1) Enhance your child’s critical thinking and communication skills through creating innovative presentations and expand their horizons
(2) Parent and Child Interaction
(3) Parent to Parent Networking
Secure your spot now through our Google Form Application Link. Spaces are filling up fast, so register promptly to avoid missing out!