Come with us on our “Walk and Learn” trip at Nissan Crossing!
Our exciting “Walk and Learn” tradition continued on July 19th through Toranomon Language School. This week’s exciting adventure took place at the Nissan Crossing, where they are holding the special colab event with Tomica. They all got themselves a free Tomica toy car and sticky notes by solving puzzles. The five children that joined us on today’s field trip had a great time pretending to drive inside luxury cars and playing with toy car models! Their imaginations soared as the created exciting “destinations” to drive too and had thrilling adventures. Nissan Crossing offers a fun quiz where you receive a Tomica toy car as a prize. The kids eagerly took […]
How to remain connected to home as an expat
As an expat, you may feel perfectly content in your new home, but it is normal to miss certain aspects of where you are originally from. There are ways to bridge that gap and stay connected to the customs or people you may be missing! Eat foods from home There will be times where you may miss the flavors you grew up with whether it is something spicy or sweet. No matter where you are, most types of cuisine can be found in all parts of the world, so try and track down a restaurant that you feel will bring you comfort. If you are on a budget or cannot […]
Communication in Japanese Business Culture
Effective use of communication is the key to success, but cross-cultural communication can either help or hurt your business productivity. When engaging with international companies, specifically Japan where lots of emphasis is placed on work culture, it can be intimidating. Let us share with you some insights for verbal and nonverbal communication inJapanese business culture and how to effectively communicate with Japanese companies. When it comes to business, Japanese people want to do it with someone they know they can trust. Relationships are often built through informal gatherings involving a large amount of eating and drinking Punctuality First and foremost, do not be late. There are no excuses for tardiness […]
Join us on today’s “Walk and Learn” at the TV Asahi in Roppongi
Toranomon Language School’s “Walk and Learn” continued today (July 12th) at the TV Asahi in Roppongi. We took five of our students on an interactive field trip today at this 8-story office and TV studio here in Tokyo. To get to our destination, we took the train! This allows kids to navigate the city and teaches them about real-world experiences. They walked to the station and even purchased their own tickets. The kids got to take pictures with Doraemon, one of the most popular characters among children in Japan. It is a well-known Japanese manga series. Manga is a graphic novel/comic that is big in Japanese culture and the […]
How to prepare for an earthquake in Japan
Living in or visiting Japan means you are in an area that is prone to earthquakes and most likely you know the best ways to stay prepared. As a tourist, you may be less aware of how to stay safe in these situations. Let us walk you through some ways to ensure your safety. Before an earthquake Make sure you are always aware of evacuation routes of the places you or your loved ones spend the most time. This could be your home, office building, or even your child’s school. Check with your local community, school or office manager. Making sure you are aware of the best way to escape […]
Nominication: TLS x Courrier Japan
“How to chase away the rainy day blues?” “What are the pros and cons of AI in daily tasks?” On the 27th of June, we had the opportunity to host an exciting connection event at WeWork Shinigawa with Courrier Japan. With their help we were able to execute our “Nominication” event, combining drinking “nomi” with communication! This event is a great opportunity for native Japanese speakers to practice their english with likeminded people. Our first prompt “how to chase away the rainy day blues?” was answered and shared between each table, a fun answer from an attendee was simply hanging out with friends and embracing the rainy day, as she […]
Experience Japan’s vibrant culture through summer festivals
Experience Japan’s vibrant culture through summer festivals “″ ”“ Here in Japan we are known for our rich cultural heritage and vibrant traditions. We offer a dazzling array of festivals during the summer months, specifically July through September. For first time visitors, prepare to immerse yourself in a spectacular showcasing of colors, sounds and rituals that capture what Japanese culture is truly about. Gion Matsuri One of Japan’s most famous festivals, kicks off in July in Kyoto. This event dates back to thousands of years ago and is a celebration of Japan’s ancient capital. Occurring over the entire month of July, but the main events and processions usually occur on […]
First “Walk and Learn” – Immersive Learning at Science Museum in Tokyo
Kids Japanese Course 2024 Has Started! -Join Now! Here at Toranomon we get out of the traditional classroom setting and immerse our students in real world experiences and Japanese culture where they can apply their learnings. Today, the students were taken on a field trip to the Minato Science Museum and later on to the 7-11 convenience store. The Minato Science Museum is run by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Currently, it is the rainy season in Japan and this museum offers exhibits that allow the kids to learn and understand where rain comes from and how it is formed. At the museum the kids played with interactive exhibits where they […]
Experience Tokyo Morning and Night:
Learn Japanese AM, Explore Confidently PM! Family Discount Available! (Flexible Schedule) Calling all travelers who want to learn Japanese in the morning while many stores and facilities are closed until close to noon, then explore the cities in the afternoon with confidence while you are here! With the whole family! Now with the special offer! We have a method that will help you learn Japanese skills in a fun, stress-free, and efficient way! You can quickly learn practical Japanese in the morning, “walk and learn” on some days, so in the afternoon, you can use what you have learned to go sightseeing in Tokyo! Learn both the Japanese language […]
【毎年(まいとし)でも訪(おとず)れたい国(くに)、日本(にほん)!】 こんにちは、虎ノ門(とらのもん)ランゲージです! 東京にある語学学校(ごがくがっこう)です。 今日は、日本語を勉強(べんきょう)している皆(みな)さんに、東京や日本観光(にほんかんこう)の楽しさや魅力(みりょく)を伝(つた)えたいと思います。 東京で遊(あそ)ぼう! 東京は、日本の首都(しゅと)です。 東京には、遊べる場所(ばしょ)がたくさんあります! 大きなお城(しろ)がある「皇居(こうきょ)」に行ってみましょう! “” 高い塔(とう)に登(のぼ)って、東京の景色(けしき)を楽しめます。東京スカイツリーからの眺(なが)めは最高(さいこう)です! “6_0099_20_1400x1100.jpg (1400×1100) (” 仲見世通(なかみせどお)りで、おいしいお煎餅(せんべい)や人形(にんぎょう)を買えます。浅草寺(あさくさでら)にお参(まい)りも忘(わす)れずに! “” 渋谷(しぶや)で、若者(わかもの)の街(まち)を楽しめます。オシャレなお店やカフェがたくさんあります。 “49018355193_5099b96c0a_o.jpg (4608×3456) (” 原宿(はらじゅく)で、個性的(こせいてき)なファッションをチェックできます。竹下通(たけしたどお)りには、びっくりするようなお店がたくさんあります! “th-akiba-saikaihatsu_img06-scaled.jpg (2560×1702) (” 秋葉原(あきはばら)で、アニメやゲームグッズを探(さが)せます。電気屋(でんきや)が沢山(たくさん)ある街(まち)としても有名(ゆうめい)です。 “th-akiba-saikaihatsu_img06-scaled.jpg (2560×1702) (” 日本のおいしい料理(りょうり) 日本には、おいしい料理がいっぱい!「お寿司(すし)」は世界中(せかいじゅう)で大人気(だいにんき)ですね! 中華麺(ちゅうかめん)とスープが自慢(じまん)の「ラーメン」。種類(しゅるい)もいっぱいあります。みそ、しょうゆ、とんこつ、塩(しお)。みなさんは何味(なにあじ)が一番好きですか? “” ころもがサクサクな「天ぷら」。 “” 鶏肉(とりにく)を串(くし)に刺(さ)して焼いた「焼き鳥(やきとり)」。タレや塩(しお)で食べられます。 日本の美しい景色(けしき) 日本には、季節(きせつ)ごとに違(ちが)う、美しい景色があります。 もうすぐ夏が来ます。夏は、緑(みどり)がいっぱいになって、海(うみ)や山(やま)で遊(あそ)べます。 日本語を勉強(べんきょう)しよう! 日本語を勉強すると、日本の文化(ぶんか)や自然(しぜん)をもっと楽しめます。 日本語ができれば、日本の人ともっと仲良(なかよ)くなれます。 ぜひ、日本語を勉強して、日本を満喫(まんきつ)してくださいね! Toranomon Language School 日本語コース (Japanese Courses) Facebook Twitter