
English (Writing & Grammar)

学年: 3-4

場所: Toranomon Office

日付: July 24 - July 28 (Monday to Friday)

時間帯: 10:00 - 10:50 | 14:00 - 14:50

価格: ¥25,000 for a weekly session (tax-included)

(No Registration Fee, Free Materials (Soft Copy)

Course Description:

In this course, students will fully immerse themselves in the realm of descriptive writing. Through a variety of captivating activities and interactive exercises, participants will hone their ability to utilize descriptive adjectives and advanced vocabulary to craft vivid and engaging narratives. By expanding their repertoire of word choices and infusing their writing with rich details, students will breathe life into their compositions, captivating readers with their expressive language and creating truly immersive literary experiences.

* All week sessions are modularized and you can apply on a per-week basis.
