
English (Speaking & Presentation)

学年: 7-8

場所: Toranomon Office

日付: July 24 - July 28 (Monday to Friday)

時間帯: 11:00 - 11:50 | 15:00 - 15:50

価格: ¥25,000 for a weekly session (tax-included)

No registration fee; Free Materials (Soft Copy)

Course Description:

Middle school students will embark on an enriching journey of intercultural communication in this course. Participants will delve into the complexities of cross-cultural interactions and develop strategies to navigate cultural differences effectively. Through thought-provoking discussions, multimedia resources, and interactive activities, students will gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives, stereotypes, and cultural sensitivity. They will enhance their communication skills, practice empathy, and explore ways to build meaningful connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds. By the end of the week, students will have acquired valuable intercultural competencies, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

* All week sessions are modularized and you can apply on a per-week basis.
