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Learning Japanese: Family Learning Experience at Toranomon

Dear Parents in the Toranomon Area,

Are you seeking an enriching program where both you and your child can learn Japanese simultaneously, fostering a shared commitment to language learning? Toranomon Language School has a unique program for families who wish to grow together in their linguistic abilities. This program brings strong self-esteem, motivation, and most of all, efficiency in learning the language for the whole family, with big discount!!!

Learning a new language

Supporting your child’s learning journey is key to their success. It takes a lot of motivation and focus to learn a new language, and knowing that their parents are there to help makes all the difference. Here are some simple ways to make that happen.

Why not turn language learning into a family activity?

It is proven that your children learn a new language much faster when there is someone there to help, not just at school, but at home as well.

We at Toranomon Language School, sit down with both you and your child and set some realistic goals. At school you can both learn and apply your learning through activities in the lessons, while at home you can share and consolidate your learning. You can create an immersive environment at home. Your child will feel more encouraged and eager to keep going.

Children learn best when they’re having fun, so take advantage of interactive tools like educational games and flashcards. There are plenty of apps and online resources that make language learning engaging and enjoyable, turning study time into playtime. You could even add small rewards to make it extra exciting!

Of course, creating a positive learning environment is crucial. Celebrate their curiosity and determination to learn something new. Stay informed about their progress, offer resources, and keep in touch with their teachers if they’re enrolled in a school. Your involvement will motivate them to keep improving.

At home, you can play games, cook meals together using recipes in Japanese you learned, and create an immersive environment at home. Your child will feel more encouraged and eager to keep going.

Learn Japanese together!

At Toranomon Language School, our synchronized Japanese language classes for adults and children offer a unique opportunity for parents and their children to study during the same time slot. While your child is engaging in a lively and interactive lesson, you’ll be nearby, advancing your own language skills. This shared learning experience allows you to motivate and support each other, creating an environment where both parent and child can thrive together.

After picking up your child from school, instead of returning home immediately, you could visit our school to engage in Japanese language studies together. Wouldn’t this be a mutually beneficial experience?

We also encourage you to bring along friends. Learning in a group setting not only makes the process more enjoyable but also strengthens the community spirit, fostering connections that extend beyond the classroom.

A big family discount

Our school is conveniently situated in Toranomon, with easy access to various international schools. To further enhance the appeal of this family-oriented program, we are pleased to offer 16,500yen off per person on our family plan, making it an even more attractive option.

Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a rewarding language-learning journey with your child. Enroll today and experience the joy of mastering Japanese together, strengthening both your language skills and your family bond.

For you:

Speak with Confidence for adults focuses on conversation so you can speak confidently in just one month. Make your life easier by learning practical Japanese phrases and learning how to engage in basic conversations.

For kids:

After-school Japanese that is studentーー with customized lessons. Your child will develop critical thinking skills, fast reading, and listening comprehension skills, and increase scores on the JLPT exam along with much more. This course is perfect for pre-school and elementary students.

Other classes:

For adults looking to become bilingual and learn Japanese, check out our One-Month Level-up Intensive Japanese courses now available morning and afternoon with a special coupon you can find below here at 虎ノ門ランゲージスクール where we prioritize your learning on application rather than just input, in a motivating and comfortable environment.

We also provide networking events occasionally so you can connect to new people you are interested in.

Adult Private Japanese classes are offered for all levels. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, we provide high-quality and flexible courses with a wide range of content adjusted for your learning needs. Whether it be industry-focused, task-focused, or casual conversation, we the classes are totally purpose-oriented so the learning is fast!

Any questions? Feel free to contact us.



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