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Learning a new language with the right support

It is important to get support for your goals and feel assured. It requires lots of motivation and focus and they need to know their parents can help them with that. Check out some simple ideas to support them.

If possible, involve the whole family and make learning the language an activity. Siblings, cousins or any other members can get together to play games or cook meals using a recipe in the language. The whole family creates a support system and an immersing learning environment. Your child will feel encouraged and have a stronger desire to continue learning.

Children learn best when they are having fun. Utilize interactive learning tools such as educational games and flashcards. Many apps and online resources are designed to make language learning engaging and enjoyable for kids. These tools often include games, puzzles, and interactive exercises that make learning feel like playtime. Incorporate small prizes too if you wish.

Sit your child down and create a list of realistic goals. These goals can be focused on the pace they wish to learn at or the language they want to learn. Break down the larger goals into smaller ones to make the process more manageable. This will also help your child feel a sense of achievement as they accomplish a milestone.

While this may seem obvious, do your best to create a positive learning environment. Celebrate your child’s craving to learn something new and embark on a difficult journey. Stay informed on their progress and offer them resources to support the journey. Keep constant communication with your child’s language teacher if you choose to enroll them in a school and stay engaged with their learning program. As a parent, your interest in your child will motivate them to improve. Here at 虎ノ門ランゲージスクール we can provide your child with lessons for English or Japanese.

For your kids, enroll in our After-school Japanese program. Classes are offered Monday through Friday 4:30 – 5:30 pm and / or 5:30 – 6:30 pm and Sat 11:30 – 12:30 pm or 1:00-2:00 pm – Flexible lesson plans are available. Please contact us if online lessons are more convenient for you!

Regardless of if your child is learning a new language, reading to them is extremely important. Make a routine of reading a book to them in the language they are learning every other night. Choose age-appropriate books that has visuals to keep them engaged. Reading to them will improve their language learning skills among many others.

Following these tips will allow you to create a nurturing and supportive environment that will help your child thrive in their language learning journey.

If you are interested in learning Japanese outside of just textbooks, here are our great courses below, and hey, we now have a big 10% off discount code: TLSWELCOME2024 across our website, too!

For kids we offer our After-school Japanese that is student focused with customized lessons. Your child will develop critical thinking skills, fast reading and listening comprehension skills and increase scores on the JLPT exam along with much more. This course is perfect for pre-school and elementary students. Our summer course is still open. You can start from 1-day course. See more details from here!

For adults looking to become bilingual and learn Japanese, check out our One-Month Leve-up Intensive Japanese courses now available morning and afternoon with special coupon you can find below here at 虎ノ門ランゲージスクール where we prioritize your learning on application rather than just input, in a motivating and comfortable environment. Join us in our one month course to learn essential Japanese customs and language. We also provide networking events occasionally so you can connect to new people you are interested in.

Our Twice a week casual course for adults focuses on conversation so you can speak confidently in just one month. Make your life easier by learning practical Japanese phrases and learning how to engage in basic conversations.

Our adult Private Japanese classes are offered for all levels. Whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced, we provide high-quality and flexible courses with a wide range of content adjusted for your learning needs. Whether it be industry-focused, task-focused, or casual conversation, we the classes are totally purpose-oriented so the learning is fast!


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