Elevate Your Japanese Skills with Our Intensive 1-Month Course

Dear Japanese learners in the Toranomon Area, Are you ready to immerse yourself in the Japanese language and culture while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of Toranomon, Tokyo’s hottest international hub? Our Intensive Japanese Course is designed for those who are eager to rapidly improve their language skills in just one month. Whether you’re a freelancer, a foodie, or someone on a working holiday, this course offers the perfect blend of structured learning and cultural exploration. Course Overview: Duration: From 1 month, Monday to Thursday, 2.5 hours per day Location: Toranomon Language School, conveniently located with easy access to international schools and business districts Perfect For: Individuals who have the flexibility […]

Learning Japanese: Family Learning Experience at Toranomon

Dear Parents in the Toranomon Area, Are you seeking an enriching program where both you and your child can learn Japanese simultaneously, fostering a shared commitment to language learning? Toranomon Language School has a unique program for families who wish to grow together in their linguistic abilities. This program brings strong self-esteem, motivation, and most of all, efficiency in learning the language for the whole family, with big discount!!! Learning a new language Supporting your child’s learning journey is key to their success. It takes a lot of motivation and focus to learn a new language, and knowing that their parents are there to help makes all the difference. Here […]

Learning Japanese with the Right Support: Unlocking Your Child’s Potential

Learning a new language can be a transformative experience, especially for children. It opens doors to new cultures, enhances cognitive development, and fosters confidence. For families living in Japan, mastering Japanese is more than just a skill—it’s a way to help children connect with their surroundings, make new friends, and feel at home. But as many parents know, language learning is a journey that requires the right tools, guidance, and encouragement to succeed. At Toranomon Language School, we specialize in providing children with the support they need to thrive in their Japanese language learning journey. Whether through our engaging after-school programs or our immersive seasonal courses for winter and summer, […]

How speaking Japanese can benefit your career

The country of Japan has *the fourth largest economy in the world and there are abundant opportunities for work in fields like technology, finance, and manufacturing. In these jobs, there is a high demand for Japanese language skills, and by speaking this language you will stand out as a candidate. Regardless of if you are a student or professional, learning Japanese will provide an array of opportunities and careers. Here is a list of reasons why learning Japanese will benefit your career.  *As of the year 2023. Building Stronger Customer Relations or Internal Relations The ability to effectively and confidently communicate with Japanese customers in their native language will create […]

Preparing your child for a new school year in Japan

Starting a new school year in a different country can be both scary and exciting, especially for children who are adjusting to a new culture and language. As a parent, there are several helpful ways to ensure your child transitions smoothly into their new school environment in Japan. Understanding the Japanese School System Familiarizing yourself with the Japanese school system is definitely beneficial. In Japan, the school year typically starts in April and ends in March and is divided into three terms. Summer break is in August, winter break is around the New Year and there is a spring break in March. The schools are divided into elementary, junior high […]

Communication in Japanese Business Culture

Effective use of communication is the key to success, but cross-cultural communication can either help or hurt your business productivity. When engaging with international companies, specifically Japan where lots of emphasis is placed on work culture, it can be intimidating. Let us share with you some insights for verbal and nonverbal communication inJapanese business culture and how to effectively communicate with Japanese companies. When it comes to business, Japanese people want to do it with someone they know they can trust. Relationships are often built through informal gatherings involving a large amount of eating and drinking Punctuality First and foremost, do not be late. There are no excuses for tardiness […]

Make New Memories in Tokyo: Learn Japanese as a Family and Create Unforgettable Experiences at Toranomon!

Hello to everyone living in Japan!   Exciting news from Toranomon Language School! We’re thrilled to introduce our new parent-child program, “Walk and Learn”, exclusively on Fridays as part of our fun and engaging summer course lineup. Let me tell you more about it. For Kids: Japanese Summer Course Our program is designed to make learning Japanese fun, focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Our bilingual Japanese teachers can communicate in English when needed, ensuring thorough understanding. Plus, with enjoyable activities integrated into the lessons, your child will be encouraged to speak Japanese confidently. Every Friday, we have a special “Walk and Learn” activity, where kids explore the area […]


N5合格(ごうかく)は、夢(ゆめ)への扉(とびら)を開(ひら)く鍵(かぎ)!   みなさんは、どうして日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)していますか?   日本語で仕事(しごと)がしたいですか? 日本の文化(ぶんか)や歴史(れきし)に興味(きょうみ)があって、日本人と日本語で交流(こうりゅう)したいですか? 翻訳機能(ほんやくきのう)を使(つか)わないで日本語だけで、自分(じぶん)の言葉(ことば)で会話(かいわ)がしたいですか?   N5に合格(ごうかく)して、みなさんの夢(ゆめ)を叶(かな)えましょう。   さあ、日本語の世界(せかい)へ飛(と)び込(こ)みましょう! “https://nanisuru-p.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sky.jpeg” N5合格(ごうかく)してから、できること   友達(ともだち)と日本語でメールをやりとりしたり、SNSで日本語の投稿(とうこう)を読(よ)んだりできます。 日本の友達(ともだち)やご近所(きんじょ)さんと日本語で話(はな)して、同(おな)じトピックを共有(きょうゆう)できたり、仕事(しごと)や学校(がっこう)のことなどを話(はな)したりできます。 日本で旅行(りょこう)に行(い)った時(とき)に、お店(みせ)の人(ひと)や観光客(かんこうきゃく)と日本語で簡単(かんたん)な会話(かいわ)ができます。 上(うえ)のレベルN4合格(ごうかく)を目指(めざ)すことができます。   N5合格(ごうかく)の準備(じゅんび)をしましょう。   Step1 : 目標(もくひょう)とモチベーション   何(なに)か、特定(とくてい)の仕事(しごと)がしたいですか? 日本へ旅行(りょこう)に行(い)きたいですか? 趣味(しゅみ)を日本語で楽(たの)しみたいですか? 目標(もくひょう)を決(き)めて、楽(たの)しんで勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。     Step2 : N5試験(しけん)の内容(ないよう)を確認(かくにん)します   N5は、語彙(ごい)、文法(ぶんぽう)、リーディング、リスニングの4つのスキルで評価(ひょうか)します。 語彙(ごい)〈20分〉 リーディング〈40分〉 リスニング〈30分〉 JLPTのウェブサイト   Step3 : 日本語の文法(ぶんぽう)の基礎(きそ)をマスター   文法(ぶんぽう)をしっかりと理解(りかい)して、文法(ぶんぽう)の基礎(きそ)をマスターします。 基本的(きほんてき)な文法(ぶんぽう)と文型(ぶんけい) 動詞(どうし)の活用(かつよう) 助詞(じょし)の使(つか)い方(かた) こちらは、JLPTの文法(ぶんぽう)のサイトです。とてもシンプルで、わかりやすいです。 JLPT 文法一覧 │ Langoal 日常的(にちじょうてき)な会話(かいわ)で使(つか)う語彙(ごい)を増(ふ)やすことも大切(たいせつ)です。 挨拶(あいさつ) 数字(すうじ)、曜日(ようび) 方向(ほうこう)、位置(いち) 食(た)べ物(もの)、飲(の)み物(もの) リーディングとリスニング力は、日本語の文章(ぶんしょう)や音声(おんせい)を、毎日(まいにち)読(よ)んだり聞(き)いたりしましょう。     Step4 : スキルを磨(みが)く   リスニング : 音楽(おんがく)、ポッドキャスト、テレビ番組(ばんぐみ)などを活用(かつよう)して、日本語の音声(おんせい)をたくさん聞(き)く。 リーディング:JLPTN5のリーディングの練習(れんしゅう)のサイトを探(さが)して、たくさん読(よ)む。 こちらは、とても便利(べんり)な日本語のリスニング・リーディングのサイトです。 JLPT N5 Reading Exercise 日本語の読みもの・読解練習 | 日本語の例文 (j-nihongo.com) https://youtu.be/gab87yuB0mA “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gab87yuB0mA” Step5 : 語学学校(ごがくがっこう)を活用(かつよう)する   文法(ぶんぽう)の使(つか)い方(かた)がわからない時(とき)、難(むずか)しい時(とき)、プロの日本語の先生(せんせい)に聞(き)くことができます。語学学校(ごがくがっこう)に通(かよ)いながら、自分(じぶん)で家(いえ)でも勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。   Fastest Online JLPT N1 – N5 Course     Step6 : 日本の生活(せいかつ)を楽(たの)しむ   言語学習(ごがくがくしゅう)には、アウトプットがとても大切(たいせつ)です。日本文化(にほんぶんか)に触(ふ)れて、楽(たの)しみながら学習(がくしゅう)しましょう。   毎日(まいにち)短(みじか)い日記(にっき)を書(か)く 友達(ともだち)と10分くらい日本語で話(はな)す カラオケで日本語の歌(うた)を歌(うた)う 簡単(かんたん)なマンガを読(よ)む アニメを日本語で見(み)る Half Day Crash Course  […]

Discover the Joy of Learning Japanese with Crash Course

Immerse yourself in the rich culture and language of Japan with our unique Half Day Crash Course, designed specifically for those with an interest in Japan.   Whether you’re planning a trip to Japan or simply want to expand your knowledge of this fascinating country, our course provides an engaging and effective way to learn Japanese from experienced native teachers.   Our 2.5-hour course is packed with practical and fun activities that will help you gain confidence in using Japanese in everyday situations. You’ll learn essential phrases and vocabulary, while also experiencing the vibrant culture of Tokyo firsthand.   The course is divided into two parts: Classroom Learning: In the classroom, […]

🍉 Kids Japanese Summer Course🎐

Japanese Summer Intensive course for Kids

  While you are traveling in Japan or already living in Japan, your children can enjoy the culture and the language just as you do!   We are here to enrich your children’s learning opportunities with Toranomon Language School’s Kids Japanese Summer Course!  It will start on June 17th, the day the adult group course starts.   “Since we are in Japan, I want my child to learn Japanese.”  “… We also plan to go on holiday, but it would be a waste if they can’t take lessons for some time.”  “There are many Japanese language schools, but I don’t know which one is the best…”   Have no fear! We […]